
 Linux tar Command

The Linux tar command is used to compress and extract files to and from an archive. In this...

 How to Install WordPress via SSH

Since WordPress is the most widely used CMS it’s installation process has been made as simple and...

 SSH Execute Command on a Remote server

Via SSH you can connect to a remote server’s shell. This will allow you to execute commands on...

 How to connect to your shared hosting account via SFTP with FileZilla

SFTP is a convenient way to use SSH, while also using the interface of a simple FTP. In order to...

 SSH netstat command

If you wish to debug or track statistics of your network in a Linux environment you can use SSH...

 SSH head command

If you wish to view the head or the topmost of a large text file you can use SSH head command. It...

 SSH chmod command

If you wish to edit the ownership permissions of your Files / Directories you can use SSH chmod...

 SSH less command

When going through large text files usually the Linux cat command won’t do. This is where you can...

 SSH mkdir command

If you wish to create a new directory in your Linux system using SSH you can easily use the SSH...

 SSH ip command

If you wish to obtain information about your server’s IP on a Linux machine using SSH you can use...

 SSH pwd command

The SSH pwd command can be quite handy and useful when managing your directories in a Linux...

 SSH rm command

If you wish to remove a file or folder from your Linux system you can use SSH rm command. In this...

 SSH echo command

One of the most useful commands in a Linux environment is echo. With it, you can provide output...

 SSH history command

If you wish to find what commands you have previously executed in a Linux environment you can use...

 SSH cd command

SSH cd command is mainly used to navigate in your Linux environment. In this article, we’ll show...

 SSH mv command

If you would like to move a file from one location to another on your Linux Dedicated Server or...

 SSH rename command

When you wish to change multiple files’ names you can use the SSH rename command. It is very...

 SSH du command

If you wish to track the Disk Usage of your Linux Dedicated Server or VPS – the SSH du command is...

 SSH tail command

Using SSH you can look at the last lines of a file in a Linux environment. This can be done using...

 SSH df command

If you wish to view the disk usage of your Linux system the SSH df command is quite useful. In...

 SSH zip command

One of the most used compression methods is zip archiving. On a Linux system, you can use the SSH...

 SSH cat command

If you would like to view all the contents of a file in a Linux system cat is one of the commands...

 SSH reboot command

Reboot is one of the commands in Linux that you will have to be careful with. In this tutorial,...

 SSH ls command

One of the most important and widely used, yet basic commands in a Linux environment is ls. It...

 SSH cp command

The cp command stands for copy and is used to copy content like files in a Linux system. We’ll...

 SSH grep command

When you’re searching for a text in a particular file under a Linux system you’re usually using...

 SSH ps command

If you wish to view the current processes of your Linux machine you can use the SSH ps command....

 SSH shutdown command

If you wish to power off your Linux server or Linux VPS you can use the shutdown command in Linux...

 SSH find commands

In this article, we’ll cover the basic usage of the SSH find commands you can use in a Linux...

 wget command Examples

The command wget is used mostly to retrieve files from external resources via HTTP or FTP, in...

 How to Install Composer?

Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. This tutorial will guide you on how you can...

 Disable SSH password authentication on your VPS

We will begin by editing your SSH servers configuration file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config vi...

 How to connect to VPS via SSH and PuTTY?

Connecting to your UniqueVPS VPS with SSH is a little bit different, here are the main...

 How to generate an SSH Key?

This guide shows how to generate an SSH Key on a shared server. First, you need to make sure SSH...

 How to use Secure Shell Access (SSH) through PuTTY ?

This guide should be used by people on a shared hosting environment who have Secure Shell Access...

 How to locate Files and Folders with SSH?

There will be a lot of times that you may need to search, find and locate a folder, file or a...

 How to create and extract archives using SSH?

From time to time you might need to create archives for example to backup some files or extra...

 How to delete Files and Directories using SSH?

Your SSH console would be your helpful friend with any kind of command concerning your files and...

 How to move and copy files using SSH?

Lets look at some of the other functions you can execute via SSH. If you want, for example, to...

 How to Create and Edit files/directories using SSH?

There are a lot of ways on how to create and edit files on your Linux machine and one of the most...

 How to list the account Files and Directories with SSH?

Naturally, at some point you would need to get information about what is stored on your account....

 How to log into my account via SSH in Windows OS?

By default Windows OS does not come with a built-in way to connect to your SSH. However, there...

 How to log into my account via SSH in Mac OS?

Luckily, Mac OS comes with a built-in terminal and it is not necessary to download any extra...

 What is PuTTY?

PuTTY is a client program for the SSH, Telnet and Rlogin network protocols. For the purposes of...

 What is Secure Shell (SSH) ?

Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for secure data communication, remote...

 How to connect to my account via SSH in Linux?

Almost all (if not all) Linux distributions come with a Terminal or you can install any terminal...

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