What are unsolicited emails (UBE/UCE)?

There are 2 general types of unsolicited emails – Unsolicited Bulk Emails (UBE) or Unsolicited Commercial Emails (UCE), both a form of SPAM messages, sent to multiple recipients, without their consent. Such emails are sent from companies of which you are not a customer and most often have a marketing purpose. However, a huge part of these messages contain malware or links to phishing websites.

There are several ways to prevent or at least reduce the number of unsolicited emails being sent your way:

  • Most of the emails have an “unsubscibe” link, which you can follow to confirm you no longer wish to receive those messages.
  • Never reply if you have any doubt that the email is legitimate – for instance if it is from a Nigerian royalty, who wants to verify your credit card details in order to give you free access to multiple adult websites
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