How to create a custom .htaccess file from cPanel?

This article will show how to create an .htaccess file in a folder in your hosting account through the File Manager in your cPanel.

By default, there is an .htaccess file in your public_html folder (the document root folder for your primary domain). By default, all dotfiles (system files) are hidden from your File Manager. To display them, follow the steps here.

However, you might need to create one for another folder (for subdomain or addon domain) in your hosting account. You can easily create it through your cPanel. Log into your cPanel and navigate File Manager:

From the File Manager, select option to add a new file:

Name the file .htaccess and select the directory in which you want it to be created.

More details on how to create files via the File Manager can be found here.

If you are a customer of UniqueVPS, you can always contact our 24/7 customer service for guidance.

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